Trachelomegalus Silvestri, 1869

MYRIAPODA: Diplopoda: Helminthomorpha: Juliformia: Spirobolida: Pachybolidae



Typus-Art / Type species: Spirobolus hoplurus Pocock, 1893.

Arten / Species

<T. impectus> - <T. hoplurus> - <T. laciniatus> - <T. modestior> - <T. sumatranus>

Trachelomegalus modestior Chamberlin, 1921


Handelsname: xxx
Familie: Pachybolidae
Herkunft: Borneo
Größe: xxx Segmente: xxx
: 7. Segment ohne Beinpaare, diese zu Gonopoden umgewandelt.
: 7. Segment mit zwei Beinpaaren.
Terrarium: Lxxx x Bxxx x Hxxx cm
Temperatur: xxx °C RLF: xxx
Substrat: xxx
Nahrung: xxx
Anmerkung: xxx

Arten & Verbreitung / Species & Distribution

  • Trachelomegalus hoplurus (Pocock, 1893) [xxx]
  • Trachelomegalus impectus Hoffman, 1978 [xxx]
  • Trachelomegalus laciniatus Attems, 1937 [xxx]
  • Trachelomegalus modestior Chamberlin, 1921 [Borneo]
  • Trachelomegalus sumatranus Carl, 1906 [xxx]

Literatur & References

  • Attems, C. M. T. 1937 -- Trachelomegalus laciniatus nov. sp. (Diplop.). - Stettiner entomologische Zeitung 98: 209-211.
  • Chamberlin, R. V. 1921 -- New Chilopoda and Diplopoda from the East Indian Region. -- Annals and Magazine of Natural History 9(7)5: 50-87.
  • Pocock, R. O. 1893 -- Upon the identity of some of the types of Diplopoda contained in the collection of the British Museum, together with description of some new species of exotic Julidae. -- Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6(11)63: 248-254.

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