xxx <Brombeere> - <Buche> - <Dreimasterblume> - <Eiche> - <Efeu> - <Erdbeere> - <Eukalyptus> - <Farn> - <Flieder> - <Forsythie> - <Fuchsie> - <Götterbaum> - <Guave> - <Hartriegel> - <Hasel> - <Himbeere> - <Johanniskraut> - <Kirsche> - <Kirschlorbeer> - <Liguster> - <Mirabelle> - <Rhododendron> - <Rose> - <Salal> - <Schraubenbaum> - <Schwarzdorn> - <Walnuß> - <Weißdorn> |
xxx <Beech> - <Bramble> - <Cherry> - <Cornel> - <Ferns> - <Firethorn> - <Forsythia> - <Fuchsia> - <Gaultheria> - <Guava> - <Hazel> - <Hypericum> - <Ivy> - <Laurel> - <Lilac> - <Mirabelle Plum> - <Oak> - <Plum> - <Privet> - <Raspberry> - <Rhododendron> - <Rose> - <Salal> - <Screwpine> - <Spiderworts> - <Strawberry> - <Tree of Heaven> - <Walnut> |
Gattungen / Genera <Ailanthus> - <Cornus> - <Corylus> - <Crataegus> - <Eucalyptus> - <Fagus> - <Forsythia> - <Fragaria> - <Fuchsia> - <Gaultheria> - <Hedera> - <Hypericum> - <Ligustrum> - <Pandanus> - <Prunus> - <Psidium> - <Pyracantha> - <Quercus> - <Rhododendron> - <Rosa> - <Rubus> - <Syringa> - <Tradescantia> |
Rubus sp. <↑>
Name: Brombeere Name: Bramble |
Rubus idaeus <↑>
Name: Himbeere Name: Raspberry |
Fragaria vesca <↑>
Name: Walderdbeere Name: Woodland Strawberry |
Fragaria sp. (Hybrid) <↑>
Name: Gartenerdbeere Name: Strawberry |
Rosa sp. <↑>
Name: xxx Name: Rose |
Pyracantha sp. <↑>
Name: Feuerdorn Name: Firethorn |
Crataegus sp. <↑>
Name: Weißdorn Name: Hawthorn |
Prunus domestica <↑>
Name: Pflaume Name: Plum |
Prunus domestica syriaca <↑>
Name: Mirabelle Name: Mirabelle Plum |
Prunus cerasa <↑>
Name: Kirsche Name: Cherry |
Prunus spinosa <↑>
Name: Schwarzdorn, Schlehdorn Name: Blackthorn |
Prunus laurocerasa <↑>
Name: Kirschlorbeer Name: Cherry Laurel |
Hypericum sp. <↑>
Name: Johanniskraut Name: xxx |
Hypericum sp. <↑>
Name: xxx Name: xxx |
Psidium guajava <↑>
Name: Guave Name: Guava |
Eucalyptus sp. <↑>
Name: Eukalyptus Name: Eucalyptus |
Eucalyptus globulus <↑>
Name: Blauer Eukalyptus Name: Blue Gum Eucalyptus |
Eucalyptus gunnii <↑>
Name: xxx Name: xxx |
Ligustrum vulgare <↑>
Name: Gewöhnlicher Liguster Name: Common Privet |
Ligustrum ovalifolium <↑>
Name: Japanischer Liguster, Ovalblättriger Liguster Name: Oval-Leaved Privet, Japanese Privet |
Syringa vulgaris <↑>
Name: Flieder Name: Lilac |
Forsythia europaea <↑>
Name: Europäische Forsythie Name: xxx |
Forsythia sp. (Hybrid) <↑>
Name: Goldflieder, Garten-Forsythie Name: Border Forsythia |
Fuchsia sp. <↑>
Name: Fuchsie Name: Fuchsia |
Pandanus sp. <↑>
Name: xxx Name: Common Screwpine |
Hedera helix <↑>
Name: Efeu Name: Ivy |
Corylus avellana <↑>
Name: Gemeine Hasel Name: Common Hazel (Birch Family) |
Quercus sp. <↑>
Name: Eiche Name: xxx |
Quercus palustris <↑>
Name: Sumpfeiche, in Berlin: Spree-Eiche Name: Pin Oak |
Quercus rubra <↑>
Name: Roteiche Name: Northern Red Oak |
Fagus xxx <↑>
Name: xxx Name: xxx |
Juglans regia <↑>
Name: Walnuß Name: Walnut |
Tradescantia sp. <↑>
Name: Dreimasterblume Name: Spiderworts |
Rhododendron sp. <↑>
Name: Rhododendron Name: Rhododendron |
Gaultheria shallon <↑>
Name: Salal, Shallon-Scheinbeere Name: Gaultheria, Salal |
Ailanthus altissimus <↑>
Name: Götterbaum Name: Tree of heaven |
Cornus mas <↑>
Name: Hartriegel, Kornelkirsche Name: Cornelian Cherry, European Cornel |
Robinia pseudoacacia <↑>
Name: Gewöhnliche Robinie Name: Black Locust |
Acacia sp. <↑>
Name: Akazie Name: Acacia |
Gattung art <↑>
Name: xxx Name: xxx |
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