Golofa Hope, 1837

INSECTA: Coleoptera: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea: Dynastidae

Golofa-Arten sind in Mittel- und Südamerika verbreitet.


Species of Golofa are distributed in Central and South America.

Arten / Species

<G. aegeon> - <G. aequatorius> - <G. antiqua> - <G. argentinus> - <G. clavigera> - <G. cochlearis> - <G. costaricensis> - <G. gaujoni> - <G. globulicornis> - <G. hirsuta> - <G. imbellis> - <G. imperialis> - <G. incas> - <G. inermis> - <G. minuta> - <G. obliquicornis> - <G. paradoxa> - <G. pelagon> - <G. pizarro> - <G. porteri> - <G. pusilla> - <G. solisi> - <G. spatha> - <G. tepaneneca> - <G. tersander> - <G. testudinarius> - <G. unicolor> - <G. xiximeca>

<Verbreitung / Distribution> - <Literatur / References>

Golofa porteri Hope, 1837


Handelsname: xxx
Familie: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae
Herkunft: Von Kolumbien bis Guatemala und Venezuela
Größe: bis xxx cm
: xxx
: xxx
Terrarium: Lxxx x Bxxx x Hxxx cm
Temperatur: xxx °C RLF: xxx %
Substrat: xxx, > xxx cm
Nahrung: xxx
Anmerkung: xxx

Golofa aegeon (Drury, 1773)



Handelsname: xxx
Familie: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae
Herkunft: Kolumbien bis Peru
Größe: bis xxx cm
: xxx
: xxx
Terrarium: Lxxx x Bxxx x Hxxx cm
Temperatur: xxx °C RLF: xxx %
Substrat: xxx, > xxx cm
Nahrung: xxx
Anmerkung: xxx

Golofa pizarro Hope, 1837



Handelsname: xxx
Familie: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae
Herkunft: Mexiko bis Panama
Größe: bis xxx cm
: xxx
: xxx
Terrarium: Lxxx x Bxxx x Hxxx cm
Temperatur: xxx °C RLF: xxx %
Substrat: xxx, > xxx cm
Nahrung: xxx
Anmerkung: xxx

Golofa tersander (Burmeister, 1847)



Handelsname: xxx
Familie: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae
Herkunft: Mexiko bis Honduras
Größe: bis xxx cm
: xxx
: xxx
Terrarium: Lxxx x Bxxx x Hxxx cm
Temperatur: xxx °C RLF: xxx %
Substrat: xxx, > xxx cm
Nahrung: xxx
Anmerkung: xxx

Verbreitung / Distribution

  • Golofa aegeon (Drury, 1773) [Colombia to Peru]
    = Golofa humboldti Erichson, 1847
  • Golofa aequatorius Voirin, 1984 [Ecuador]
  • Golofa antiqua Arrow, 1911 [Colombia]
  • Golofa argentina Arrow, 1911 [Argentina]
  • Golofa clavigera (Linnaeus, 1771) [Northern South America]
    = Scarabaeus hastatus Fabricius, 1781
    = Scarabaeus subgrundator Voet, 1806
  • Golofa cochlearis Ohaus, 1910 [Argentinien]
    = Golofa rouxi Bruch, 1911
  • Golofa costaricensis Bates, 1888 [Costa Rica to Panama]
  • Golofa eacus Burmeister, 1847 [Venezuela to Argentina]
    = Golofa pelops Burmeister, 1847
  • Golofa gaujoni Lachaume, 1995 [Ecuador]
  • Golofa globulicornis Dechambre 1975 [Mexico]
  • Golofa henrypitieri Arnaud & Joly, 2006 [Venezuela]
  • Golofa hirsuta Ratcliffe, 2003 [Costa Rica to Panama]
  • Golofa horizontalis Voirin, 1984 [Paraguay]
  • Golofa imbellis Bates, 1888 [Mexico to Costa Rica]
  • Golofa imperialis Thomson, 1858 [Mexico to Panama]
  • Golofa incas Hope, 1837 [Mexico to Guatemala]
    = Golofa championi Bates, 1888
  • Golofa inermis Thomson, 1859 [Chile]
  • Golofa minuta (Sternberg, 1810) [Chile]
  • Golofa obliquicornis Dechambre, 1975 [Panama]
  • Golofa paradoxa Dechambre, 1975 [Colombia]
  • Golofa pelagon Burmeister, 1847 [Colombia to Argentina]
    = Golofa nigricollis Suter, 1952
    = Golofa rubiginosa Suter, 1952
  • Golofa pizarro Hope, 1837 [Mexico to Panama]
    = Golofa sallei Thomson, 1860
  • Golofa porteri Hope, 1837 [Guatemala to Venezuela and Colombia]
    = Scarabaeus dejeani Buquet, 1837
    = Golofa petiveri Erichson, 1838
    = Asserador hewitsoni Maunders, 1852
  • Golofa pusilla Arrow, 1911 [Mexico]
  • Golofa solisi Ratcliffe, 2003 [Costa Rica to Panama]
  • Golofa spatha Dechambre 1989 [Peru]
  • Golofa tepaneneca Morón, 1995 [Mexico]
  • Golofa tersander (Burmeister, 1847) [Mexico to Honduras]
    = Mixigenus leander Thomsons, 1859
    = Mixogenus barbicornis Fairmaire, 1878
    = Golofa dohrni Nonfried, 1890
    Golofa testudinarius (Prell, 1934) [Peru]
  • Golofa unicolor Bates, 1891) [Ecuador to Peru]
    = Golofa lata Sternberg, 1910
  • Golofa wagneri Abadie, 2007 [Argentinien]
  • Golofa xiximeca Morón, 1995 [Mexico]

Literatur / References

  • Abadie, E. I. 2007 -- A new species of Golofa Hope, 1837 from Jujuy State, Argentina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae). -- Lambillionea 107(3)2: 462-465.
  • Arnaud, P. & Joly, L. J. 2006 -- Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Golofa. -- Besoiro (15): 7-8.
  • Arrow G. J. 1911 -- Notes on the Lamellicorn beetles of the genus Golofa with descriptions of three new species. -- The Annals and Magazine of Natural History 8(7):136-141.
  • Céspedes, A. A. & Ratcliffe, B. C. 2010 -- Golofa clavigera (Linnaeus, 1771) in Bolivia: a new country record (Coleóptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae). -- Ecología en Bolivia 45(1): 73-76.
  • Endrödi, S. 1985 -- The Dynastinae of the World. -- 800 pp., 56 pls. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht.
  • Hope, F. W. 1837 -- VIII. On the Golofa Beetle of Venezuela and its allied Species. -- Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 1: 42–45.
  • Morón, M. A. 1995 -- Review of the mexican species of Golofa Hope (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae, Dynastinae). -- The Coleopterists Bulletin 49: 343-386.
  • Ratcliffe, B. C. 1989 -- A case of gynandromorphy in Golofa tersander Burmeister (Coleoptra: Scarabaeidae). -- The Coleopterists Bulletin 43(3): 256-258.

<Startseite> - <Insekten> - <Käfer> - <Systematik> - <Artenliste> - <Literatur>


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