MYRIAPODA: Diplopoda: Spirostreptida: Spirostreptidae
Arten / Species <A. gigas> |
Archispirostreptus gigas (Peters, 1855)
Handelsname: Schwarzer Riesen-Schnurfüßer |
Arten & Verbreitung / Species & Distribution
- Archispirostreptus beccarii Silvestri, 1895 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus bottegi Silvestri, 1895 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus cechii Silvestri, 1897 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus conatus (Attems, 1928) [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus divergens Krabbe & Enghoff, 1978 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus dodsoni Pocock, 1899 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus gigas (Peters, 1855) [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus lobatus Attems, 1901 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus lugubris (Brölemann, 1901) [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus lugubris maior (Attems, 1914) [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus nigricolor Pocock, 1896 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus phillipsii Pocock, 1896 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus smithii (Pocock, 1899) [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus sumptuosus Silvestri, 1896 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus transmarinus Hoffman, 1965 [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus tumuliporus (Karsch, 1881) [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus tumuliporus judaicus (Attems, 1927) [xxx]
- Archispirostreptus tumuliporus sudanicus (Brölemann, 1905) [xxx]
Literatur & References
- Fallaschinski, N. 2013 -- Archispirostreptus gigas, ein Riese unter den Schnurfüßern. -- ARTHROPODA 17(3): 28-31.
- Mwabvu, T., Hamer, M., Slotow, R. & Barraclough, D. 2010 -- A revision of the taxonomy and distribution of Archispirostreptus Silvestri 1895 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae), and description of a new spirostreptid genus with three new species. -- Zootaxa 2567: 1-49.
- Peters, W. C. H. 1855 -- Über die Myriapoden im allgemeinen und insbesondere über die in Mossambique beobachteten Arten. -- Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 14: 75-85. Berlin.
- Silvestri, F. 1895 -- Viaggio del dottor Alfredo Borelli nella Repubblica Argentina e nel Paraguay. XIV. Chilopodi e Diplopodi. -- Bollettino dei musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata della Reale Università di Torino 10(203): 1-12.
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