Lucanidae - Hirschkäfer

INSECTA: Coleoptera: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae





<Gattungen / Genera> - <Literatur / References>

Gattungen / Genera

<Aegognathus> - <Aegotypus> - <Aegus> - <Aesalus> - <Allotopus> - <Amneidus> - <Andinolucanus> - <Aphanognathus> - <Apterocyclus> - <Apterodorcus> - <Aulacostethus> - <Auxicerus> - <Beneshius> - <Cacostomus> - <Calcodes> - <Cantharolethrus> - <Cardanus> - <Casignetus> - <Ceratognathus> - <Ceruchus> - <Chiasognathus> - <Cladophyllus> - <Colophon> - <Cyclommatus> - <Dendezia> - <Dendroblax> - <Digonophorus> - <Ditomoderus> - <Dorculus> - <Dorcus> - <Eucarteria> - <Eulepidius> - <Falcicornis> - <Figulus> - <Ganelius> - <Gnaphaloryx> - <Hemisodorcus> - <Heterochtes> - <Hexarthrius> - <Homoderinus> - <Homoderus> - <Hoplogonus> - <Incadorcus> - <Katsuraius> - <Lamprima> - <Leptinopterus> - <Lissapterus> - <Lissotes> - <Lucanus> - <Macrocrates> - <Macrodorcas> - <Mesotopus> - <Metadorcinus> - <Metallactulus> - <Mitophyllus> - <Neolucanus> - <Nicagus> - <Nigidionus> - <Nigidius> - <Noseolucanus> - <Novonigidius> - <Odontolabis> - <Onorelucanus> - <Oonotus> - <Paralissotes> - <Penichrolucanus> - <Phalacrognathus> - <Platycerus> - <Prismognathus> - <Prosopocoilus> - <Psalidoremus> - <Pseudorhaetus> - <Pseudoscortizus> - <Pycnosiphorus> - <Rhaetulus> - <Rhaetus> - <Rhyssonotus> - <Sclerostomus> - <Scortizus> - <Serrognathus> - <Sinodendron> - <Sphaenognathus> - <Streptocerus> - <Syndesus> - <Weinreichius> - <Xiphodontus>

Literatur / References

  • Benesh, B. 1960 -- Coleopterorum Catalogus Supplementa, pars 8: Lucanidae. -- 178 pp. W. Junk, Gravenhage, Netherlands.
  • Grossi, P.C. 2011 -- Review of Incadorcus Arnaud & Bomans with the description of three new species from the Yungas of Peru and Bolivia (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae). -- Zootaxa 2750: 1-14.
  • Grossi, P.C. & Paulsen, M. J. 2009 -- Generic limits in South American stag beetles: taxa currently misplaced in Sclerostomus Burmeister (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae: Sclerostomini). -- Zootaxa 2139: 23-42.
  • Holloway, B. A. 1960 -- Taxonomy and phylogeny in the Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). -- Records of the Dominion Museum 3: 321-365.
  • Holloway, B. A. 1968 -- The relationship of Syndesus MacLeay and Sinodendron Schneider (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). -- New Zealand Journal of Science 11: 264-269.
  • Holloway, B. A. 1969 -- Further studies on generic relationships in Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) with special reference to the ocular canthus. -- New Zealand Journal of Science 12: 958-977.
  • Holloway, B. A. 1997 -- Elytral surface structures as indicators of relationships in stag beetles, with special reference to the New Zealand species (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). -- New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24: 47-64.
  • Holloway, B. A. 1998 -- A re-evaluation of the genera of New Zealand aesaline stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). -- Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 28: 641-656.
  • Howden, H. & Lawrence, J. H. 1974 -- The New World Aesalinae, with notes on the North American lucanid subfamilies (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). -- Canadian Journal of Zoology 52: 1505-1510.
  • Kim, I. S. & Kim, J. I. 2010 -- Review of family Lucanidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in Korea with the description of one new species. -- Entomological Research 40(1): 55-81.
  • Krajcik, M. 2001 -- Lucanidae of the World, Catalogue – Part 1, Checklist of the stag beetles of the world (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). -- 108 pp. M. Krajcik, Most, Czech Republic.
  • Mizumuma, T. & Nagai, S. 1994 -- The Lucanid Beetles of the World. -- 337 pp. Mushi-sha, Tokyo.
  • Paulsen, M. J. 2010 -- The stag beetles of southern South America (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). -- Bulletin of University of Nebraska State Museum 24: 1-148.
  • Paulsen, M. J. & Mondaca, J. E. 2006 -- Revision of the South American Ceratognathini (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Aesalinae) with the description of a new genus and a new species. -- Zootaxa 1191: 1-19.
  • Smith, A. B. T. 2006 -- A review of the family-group names for the superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) with corrections to nomenclature and a current classification. -- Coleopterists Bulletin 60: 144-204.

<Startseite> - <Insekten> - <Käfer> - <Systematik> - <Artenliste> - <Literatur>


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